Wednesday, January 10, 2007


A collective project to manipulate randomly generated lists of words attached to unwanted email.

Podcast Staff Commuter Crashes

Karr Man - publish Asia quiz sample
Pulled million ticket prize
What matter liberty not price
Enjoy Salem sponsers doctorate level degrees
Varients kernel recursive acronym now called speech in
Baterfly - Viking dingdong menifesto
Cyberlo blabla stingrey should think more guhnoo canoe
Develop lasdesign ibnhaf complete operating system
Study software, run widely, free beer alert
Through systems livebox get referred to gilsaa aadhunik
UNIXlike GPL Home licenses skip privacy content timelf
Should there be four kinds of quocnht society?
Free Patsbrady, Dierdre,TimMyth, and SteveX
guhnoo canoe!
guhnoo canoe!
guhnoo canoe!


Podcast Staff Commuter Crashes

Asia quiz–sample.
Viking ding-dong manifesto?
What varient kernels?
Recurrent acronyms?
Baterfly man published Cyberlo Bla Bla Stingray
Ibix like home licenses skip four continent quonset hut society
Sebiseb Fsponsors Freepatsbrady's recursive grearbox systems
Ibenhaf develop the guhoo operating system now called speech
Liberty matters what Salem enjoys Karr Man
Carmen Butterfly should think more
Study Guhoo software run wildly f-art
Skip privacy Tim Man myth and Steve X
Cunhoo guhoo
Cunhoo guhoo


1 comment:

KaliPamp said...

Podcast Staff Commuter Crashes

ding-dong run wildly skip privacy manifesto:

What varient quiz–sample kernels?
Recurrent recursive grearbox systems develop the guhoo operating system now called speech acronyms?

Baterfly man published Cyberlo Bla Bla like home licenses skip four continent.

Stingray quonset hut Butterfly society should think more, study Guhoo f-art Cunhoo guhoo.

Salem enjoys Karr Man Tim Man myth and Steve X. Liberty software matters what adhunik!
Carmen Ibenhaf

Cunhoo guhoo