Sunday, October 28, 2007

week three was a really big question

was it or wasn't it..."the worst art show ever." the question remained unanswered.
VJane and Don brought us to Documenta and Muenster via slides, video and catalogues.
Not to mention vJane's collected quotes, queries and observations.
We all shared in a discussion before closing. Back next week for our final week of i5 take youme.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

and then there was week two at you me.

On Saturday, October 20 at 2:00 pm, hidden inside copious quotes from Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility one finds email advice on how to grow a penis – another example of Jane Austen's ubiquitous presence in cotemporary media. Why is the voice of a woman who matured in the late 18th century and died young seen so often in Hollywood and Bollywood movie deals, web based fan clubs, and advertising scenarios?

She writes like a tightly focused camera, what's she doing in there? What is she doing with us? Come to James North, experience the erotics of intellectual discourse and play the parlour game, Jane Austen In The Camera.

i5 take you me gallery week one is done.

The i5 collective take you me gallery in Hamilton on James Street North for 4 weeks to intervene, inquire and interact through the gallery site.
Our interventions and installations will have a spontaneous and interactive energy launching with Signs and Symbols on October 12, 6:00 PM. This installation initiates parallel inquiries into the internal experience of foreign and familiar signs and customs; the layering and collisions of symbolism and meaning.

During our i5 take you me we will endeavor to layer and experiment with multiple media: written and spoken word, guerilla posts and posters, fibre works and sound scapes, movement and surveillance, drawing and video, photographic digital manipulation and projections.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

18 posts, a walk in San Miguel de Allende with i2, vjane and D-man

Walking to Benito Juarez Park, through "centro"

In the park

Through the park

Vjane finds a platform


From the park to the oldest church in San Miguel

Jacaranda Tree with Santa Cruz del Chorro,1552

D-man goes up

And up

Moorish door at the church

Up and up the hill above El Chorro

Middle missing tree


View over San Miguel De Allende

Moving down the hill above El Chorro

Back down and through the park

Approaching the Pink Church in "centro"

Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel

Friday, January 12, 2007


Censor The Greenhouse

Concomitant countermen fell designing in extremis,
honking at the traitorous Giuseppe, impersonating poverty.

The Czech Gunther inert in fluvial barium geared up for George,
lamp earrings abounded in constitutive donkey anxiety.

Soutane shopped designer chaos to lignite Conway
And tennis Madeleine, Ursula and Saint Louis Olaf were radiant in quaternary Anglicanism.

Combat flinty fountain room assimilated the dish and centrist guile
was snagging Byrne and Arctangent Chink with the scurrilous smile of Briton Diathermy.


Censor The Greenhouse 2

This included mentioned above.

Cousins fear rather massive gaming event.
Superman wanting better job enjoying wildlands.
A great deep rocky valley. unknown lands.

Where only time sail pirates play
part Nudist Frog soccer


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


A collective project to manipulate randomly generated lists of words attached to unwanted email.

Podcast Staff Commuter Crashes

Karr Man - publish Asia quiz sample
Pulled million ticket prize
What matter liberty not price
Enjoy Salem sponsers doctorate level degrees
Varients kernel recursive acronym now called speech in
Baterfly - Viking dingdong menifesto
Cyberlo blabla stingrey should think more guhnoo canoe
Develop lasdesign ibnhaf complete operating system
Study software, run widely, free beer alert
Through systems livebox get referred to gilsaa aadhunik
UNIXlike GPL Home licenses skip privacy content timelf
Should there be four kinds of quocnht society?
Free Patsbrady, Dierdre,TimMyth, and SteveX
guhnoo canoe!
guhnoo canoe!
guhnoo canoe!


Podcast Staff Commuter Crashes

Asia quiz–sample.
Viking ding-dong manifesto?
What varient kernels?
Recurrent acronyms?
Baterfly man published Cyberlo Bla Bla Stingray
Ibix like home licenses skip four continent quonset hut society
Sebiseb Fsponsors Freepatsbrady's recursive grearbox systems
Ibenhaf develop the guhoo operating system now called speech
Liberty matters what Salem enjoys Karr Man
Carmen Butterfly should think more
Study Guhoo software run wildly f-art
Skip privacy Tim Man myth and Steve X
Cunhoo guhoo
Cunhoo guhoo


Wednesday, January 03, 2007


An invitation to play Welcometoubiquity with "Hollywood"

A collective project to manipulate randomly generated lists of words attached to unwanted email.

To manipulate you may:
repeat a word,
delete a word,
add a word,
invent a word
add or subtract a suffix or prefix,
add or subtract a letter
add punctuation

Hollywood 1

Bytes the HH
Value the Medal Lofting
Tommy Stubbins.
Time for
Hileman Silver Springs

Hollywood 2

Time Bytes
Time for value
Medal lofting
Stubbins Hileman springs
Absolutely silver.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

goat island movements

Our first collaborative inquiry based on the movement workshop we did Thanksgiving weekend on Goat Island.

four of five in buffalo

Monday, January 01, 2007


A collective project to manipulate randomly generated lists of words attached to unwanted email.

Gut No Fish Till You Get 1

Long shape Stones
veteran neophyte prepare
selection better


Gut No Fish Till You Get 2

Neophyte veterans
Berocked prepare
Better selections


Gut No Fish Till You Get 3

black goose grass aliens
funny garden geese pets
road jellies and
puzzle pants
